Friday, 24 August 2018

Blackskull -Bl¡nd Side St¡ll Remains[Album'94]

1. Bl¡nd Side still remains
2. Rule the Game
3. Lost in lust
4. Destiny
5. Roar
6. Silent pain
7. Wasted cry
8. Slave 0f mistake
9. Dont be a shit Crowd

Released : Full length 1994
Label : SBC
Format : Cassette
Genre : Thrash metal
Format file : rar

Thrash metal band from k.l which was set up in early 1990...cataloging album under the mainstream labels that are some what less familiar.
Only one album and Blackskull split..Ogy(founder) then appeared with a new band named 'Aboi' on the concept punk rock malay!
This album is a bit hard to find and it's a game of collector items....


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