Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Sex & Violence...first band Megat n Edy yang bermain muzik punk n kemudianya menubuhkan band punk oi Acab!

Demo sex n violence 
1. Cunt
2. My country
3. You
4. What a f**k
5. This is not you country
6. Five minutes fashion punks f**k off!!!!

Malaysia rare tape...sape nak dengar ada 1 lagu aku up ,track No 6  sila ke channel tube 😁

Rebel planet Records bootleg tape

3/4 from Tape under Rebel Planet Rec i've format mp3, there is only one left ... if any friend has any Malaysia Underground #1992 please...please n please contact me!!! Asap!!!

Malaysia Underground Tape 1992[bootleg] Rebel planet Records

"whoever is there me!!! Help if youuuu.....

Malaysia Ug #1992 bootleg tape..under Tian An men 89/Rebel planet records. Mastermind Luk hass'....
• Hijrah
• Silent death
• Rator
• Mallaria
• Brain dead
• Prov
Tracks from rehearsal tape....!
Please help me....

Singapore in the 90s Underground Music

M.I.S COMPILATION M.I.S@ Made In Singapore Compilation vol 1 1992 (Mouse record) 1. Eza - Wild Man's Jam  2. Global Chaos - piece of A p...